This is a GREAT trick. And it's REALLY EASY. It is "detectable," but you get away with it most of the
time. If people have had a drink or two, this is an incredible trick -- they'll think you're David Copperfield
or something...
EFFECT: The audience is given two random cards. They look at them, but the magician doesn't see them.
The audience inserts the cards into the deck, and without shuffling, the magician throws the deck into a
chair, but somehow manages to pick up the two cards, holding them up in front of the gaping audience
HOW IT'S DONE: This is a trick of the mind.
- You prepare the deck this way: pick two cards of different suits, but the same color, such
as the Eight of Spades, and the Three of Clubs. These are the cards you are going to give to
the audience. Next, pick the "opposites" of the cards: the Eight of Clubs, and the Three of
Spades. These are the cards you will fool your audience with. Put the opposite cards at the
top and bottom of the deck - Eight of Clubs on top, Three of Spades on bottom. And the
"real" cards both go on top.
- Without too much explanation, deal the two top cards out, face down, and let the audience
look at them. Next, let them insert the cards back into the deck.
- Make sure they can see that you're not doing ANYTHING to the deck. Hold the deck
between your thumb on top, and your fingers on the bottom. Swing the deck back and forth
a few times (make SURE they can't see the bottom card, though!) Perhaps you count 1, 2, 3,
and then throw the deck into a chair (or couch, or something, where it'll be easy to pick up.)
As you throw the deck, hold onto the top and bottom card with your thumb and middle
finger. IMMEDIATELY hold the cards up for all to see.
- It helps if you position yourself so that the audience doesn't turn their heads around to
watch where you threw the cards. You should be close to the chair you throw the deck into,
so you can draw their attention back to the two cards you held onto.
- They picked the Eight of Spades, Three of Clubs - but you are holding the Eight of Clubs,
Three of Spades. It's VERY rare that anybody notices. And if the audience is drunk, you get
a lot of "Ohmygaaawd, how'd he DO that?" and gaping mouths... Great trick!