You will need twelve cards, with no more than three of the same value.
Arrange them into three piles of four each (make sure there are no doubles in each pile.) Each pile needs to be put into numerical order, from lowest to highest, so when face down the lowest card is on top.
Show a spectator the three face down piles, then move the piles around, so there is no way for you to remember what card is where. Get spectator to pick a pile. Fan that pile for spectator to see, and ask them to remember one card from that pile. Ask them to also remember a number from 1-4, depending on the position of the card in its pile -- 1 being the top-most card, 4 being the bottom card. Put the piles on top of each other, with the selected pile on the very top.
Deal the cards, from left to right, into three piles (1234, 1234, 1234.) When done, put the pile on the left side on top of the middle pile, and put those on top of the pile on the right.
Do the above action (deal the cards, then stack them,) three times total. You can do it fast, and say you are mixing the cards up. When you are finished for the third time, ask the spectator for the 1-4 position of their selected card. Deal that number from the bottom of the pile. The last card you deal is the selected card.
Alternate Version: after you stack them for the third time, reverse the order of the cards. Ask spectator for the 1-4 value of the selected card. Deal that number off the TOP of the pile. The last card you deal is their selected card.
Present the card in any fashion.