Effect: This is a whole story of Seven detectives chasing a murderer (the selected card).
1) Take any four of the same face cards out of the deck, usually kings.
2) Shuffle the deck and memorize the bottom card.
3) Fan the cards out and ask the spectator to select one.
4) Tell the spectator to place it on the top of the deck.
5) Ask the spectator to cut the deck.
6) Explain that the card they selected was a murderer and the four face cards you took out were detectives to find him.
7) Look through the deck, the selected card will be after what the bottom card was.
8) Place the four face cards so that they're sticking out of the deck about half way and in the order of: Face Card-Bottom Card-Face Card-Selected Card-Face Card-Card after Selected-Face Card. Explain that the detectives are searching in those places.
9) Fold the deck back up and leave the four cards sticking out. Turn it up side down and hit the four cards against a table. The three alternate cards should all pop up with the selected one in the middle. Say the detectives called on these three guys to help them and show them to the spectator.
10) Take those three cards sticking up and hit them against the table and two face cards should pop up. Hit those against the table and the selected card should pop up.
Note: When hitting the cards against a table, hold the deck on the sides, not the face and back. Also, don't hold it too tight or your cards will bend and not work.

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