This is an excellent reading mind trick your friends and family. Although the method is simple, very surprised that all that should be displayed. It is also very easy to do!

You are thirteen cards in a row. Then turn back to his friend and asked him for any number of sheets 1-12 from one end line to another, one after the other.

When you return, which, in turn, in an instant, and is dominated by adding elements in the number of chips that your friend has moved!

You can use this magic trick a few times, and another had an opportunity to learn how.


In thirteen dominoes you the items included in the number of 1-13. Thus, the first domino is a 1: blank = 1, the second was dominated by 2: white or 1:1 = 2, third, a domino-3: a white or 2:1 = 3, and so on. Since the highest domino effect of 6:6, which corresponds to 12, double white domino is to provide 13

In the dominoes face down on a row in the table, starting with 1 on the left side and ends on 13 (double-blind) on the right side.

Before the vote is to show viewers how to move, it is dominated by two or three, one after another, from left to far right of the line.

Nevertheless, they have done so, to determine the number of secret locations in the dominoes face down on the left end of the line. You can use it apparently is to move, and then change your mind - what would you are. For example, say that the domino effect of 5:1, so the number that you must not forget, 6

If the viewer is Domino, mentally rotated and take six tabs on the right side of the line. This is Domino and transmit objects based on the number of cards that the audience has moved!

To repeat the feat, which, in turn, down mentally dominated and 6 (or any amount, which is dominated by) on the left side of his face and the surprising importance of a dominant look that prevails. This is a new number you should remember. If the domino is a double-blank, do not forget that when thirteen.

Sneak a glance at the map, which is in the process of reorganization of dominoes in a straight line.

Please, do not despair, for the simple method. Sometimes the simplest techniques that have influence on people. Try it and you'll be surprised how people react to it!

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